Monday, January 7, 2008

Coco and cosmetics.

Coco worked in the cosmetics counter of a pharmacy. She didn't really enjoy it there because she worked with the biggest two-faced pretencious snobs in Galway,
but at least, she could take home everything she liked: Perfume, make-up, skincare products and other magic potions. It felt so good to have all those little treasures she coveted for free.
Ever since Coco was a child she had loved cosmetics. She used to fight with her mother over putting make-up on to go to school, 'Just some of your lipstick, please!,'begged Coco. She did not know why she wanted it so badly, but at the time she felt like she had to put it on. 'Oh will you stop! You are not going to school with those lips, you are only five for god's sake!' She'd yell at Coco trying to wipe off the red on her tiny lips, she looked like a clown. 'And give me that you cheeky girl' said taking a bottle of Channel No 5 off her hands. 'You've got expensive taste, Missy.'
She also had her first serious accident because of make-up.
Coco's mother used to have most of her cosmetics in small drawers in a mirror above the sink in the bathroom. Coco used to climb up and sit down in the sink, open all the drawers and put whatever she came across with on her face. She'd also bring in her little toy cassette player and sing "Cry baby" or "War Child" while she glammed up herself. That is how she enjoyed herself the most, rather than playing with ChouChous or Barbies.
But one day she fell off the sink backwards and hit her head off the toilet sit and had to be rushed into hospital unconscious.
Coco always knew she'd study to become a make-up artist, and dreamed of working in movies or theatre plays, create her own brand of cosmetics or maybe open a beauty saloon...She had a loads of ideas and was very creative. She knew the trends in the cosmetics and skincare field, what was new, what was "in", she knew how to apply every single cosmetic that existed to perfection. She had talent and a really good taste for combining colours and shades.
She also had read Cosmopolitan since she was nine, so by the time she was fourteen she knew everything about sex, even though she never really had any.

1 comment:

Asgard said...

Coco starts reading Cosmopolitan because her interest about cosmetics... and she ends knowing more about sex than about cosmetics! Really hilarious! lol. One never knows what can end up with those sort of things, that's why I particulary don't read them. Well, some girls in the pics are so gorgeous... :P